Today's Fitness Tip

Daily fitness and wellness tips

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Weekend Workout- No equipment required

Weekend Workout- No equipment required
Warm up by walking or jogging 5 minutes. Be sure to stretch after warmup and after workout.
You can do it!!!

Perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-6 times.jackie13
1. Jumping jacks
2. Plank hold
3. Walking lunges
4. Pushups
5. Squats
6. Tricep dips
7. Burpees
8. 30 second rest

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Weekend Work out – No equipment required

fb6.23Weekend Work out – No equipment required

Warm up for 5 minutes (exp. -walk, jog, march in place)

Squats 45 seconds, 15 second rest
Mountain Climbers 45 seconds, 15 second rest
Reverse lunges right leg 45 seconds, 15 second rest
Reverse lunges left leg 45 seconds, 15 second rest
Bicycle (abdominal) crunches- 45 seconds, 15 second rest
Pushups 45 seconds, 15 second rest

Repeat 4- 6 times

Stretch!   Great job!!

Do not begin any exercise program with out consulting your doctor

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Weekend Workout- no equipment required.

pushup man

Warm up for 8 minutes by marching, walking, jogging. Stretch before are after workout.

1- 5 pushups, 5 squats, 10 bicycle crunches

2- 10 pushups, 10 squats, 20 bicycle crunches

3- 5 pushups, 5 squats, 10 bicycle crunches

4- 10 pushups, 10 squats,10 bicycle crunches
60 second rest. Repeat 1- 4 times.  Stretch!

Do not begin an exercise program without your doctor’s permission.

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Here is Your Weekend Workout. No Equipment Needed!

Here is Your Weekend Workout. No Equipment Needed!
Warm up for 8 minutes by walking, jogging, biking. Stretch before are after workout.

5 pushups
5 squats

10 pushups
10 squats

5 pushups
5 squats

10 pushups
10 squats
Rest. Repeat 1- 3 times.

Do not begin an exercise program without your doctor’s permission.